Sunday, April 24, 2011


Green tea benefit for health
Green tea (camellia sinensis) was known extent as antiokasidan's source useful potential for health, similar compound also found on buahan and vegetable, even deep red wine. Tea leaf also contain superantioksidan's compound EGCG the so called (epigallocatechin gallate) and also compound that another menyehatkan, including fluoride, ketekin and tanin.

Substance substance that consists in green tea for example  :
1. ,   Tanin teaflavin and tanin tearubigin  ( a sort Asid Amino)
Having antioksidan that functioning as fastener of perilous Metal element in body. Smoothening pencernakan's process at a swoop can neutralise fat in alimentary.
  1. Polifenol one that gets sabagai's role Diseased sort prevention. Polifenol 100 effective more times of vitamins c And 25 effective more times of vitamins e and functioning Neutralizes free radical, enable to prevent coronary and cancer also as preventative as criminal Cholesterol.
  2. Katekin   constituting to a draw antioksidan it With karoten's beta as protecting as heart.
  3. Flavonoid  in function as compound as natural which Can form antibiotic character, antiradang and Antioksidan so prevents Vein gagging on coroner heart disease and Stroke.
  4. Flouride  keeping in good health tooth and gum and gets role in bone metabolite against esteoporosis.
  5. Magnesium  manage total calsium ingoing in body.
  6. Vitamin k  as process of blood coagulation and bone metabolite process.
  7. Vitamin e  act as antioksidan.

1.      Cancer prevention   : observational result at chinese that someone that drinks a minimum one green tea cup one week once up to 6 months get to down its amends jeopardies surrounding intestinal cancers anus, pancreas etcetera, even green tea gets to help memerangi breast cancer, digestion and skin.
2.      Anti aging   : with tall antioksidannya content green tea lengthens someone age by memerangi takes ill heart and cancer. Japanese men that drinks green tea 5 – 10 cups one day of longer a spark of lifes because most free of coronaries and cancer.
3.      Cardiac health and elongated age : researchers says that flavanoid (antioksidan is natural) can protect heart by loosens vein so blood get to more be adrift llancar. antioksidan's role on green tea so utilitarian in constrains aging, downing blood pressure, blood cholesterol and helping prevent disease that is engaged vein.
4.      Prostate cancer  : Now prostate gland cancer is diseased riskiest one be become on man. Even with notwithstanding cure, severally patient makes a abode to suffer effect of side effect for example impotensi. Observational result at chinese that katekin on green tea manifestly kill prostate cancer cell cell, so this finding as point benefit will be of important acquired one with mengkonsumsi green tea.
5.      Smoke and lung cancer  : Two researchers of America find that green tea constrains effect carcinogen influence smoke and also constrain lung tumor growth that really raises hell. That influence not only just as even assuage but reality green tea is utilized in lung cancer cure.
6.      Skinned health  : green tea being known by extent has character anti inflammation and antioksidan. katekin's content on green tea reduces effect direct influence burnt by the sun shines and manifestly reduces peubahan metabolik on curries that enables to arise it skin cancer and aging.
7.      Mouth health  : observational result at USA reports that wash mouth with green tea solution so absorbed by mouth mucus coat can help canker and throat and also destroy damage and tooth decay cause.
8.      Arthritis  : one peneitian at Ohio reveals that rich green tea polifenol antioksidan will have ability to prevent arthritis attack that at kalogen's induction for example rhematik and systemic lupus erythematosis. Research points out that if we mengkonsumsi about 4 green tea cup everyday, therefore we will can protect us of its diseased amends arthritis.
9.      Allergy :  peniliti Japan has found green tea element can constrain essential process that respond allergy and phenomena that be evoked. polifenol's content apparently becomes compound producer source anti allergy which keep faith. So with drink green tea can soften flu pain and its allergy phenomena as sneeze, cough and eye gets water.
10.  Stress descending  : L theanine, a nonesensial's amino acid on tea leaf was known reduce stress and dread without side effect as pacifying as. 
11.  Skinned rejuvenation : recent research from Georgia that polifenol causes cell cell on mejadi's skinned epidermis fresh (life) back to. Cell cell already old seeming that cell cell clefts self back. Besides it also skins condition remedial benefit as pengeriputan, wound, itches and bruise.
12.  ntestinal cancer  : declared for that with drink green tea 3 cups one day get to prevent intestine cancers. Utilised to get benefit that equals aspirin tall dose for preventive large intestine cancer, suggested for mengkonsumsi green tea as much 3 bowls one day.

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