Sunday, December 25, 2011


On posting this i am want to tell that that nature am beautiful, even direct yes.
I get place live in little village at Ngawi's region where its place is horticultural jamus's tea, lie at silvan girikerto its place balmy despite at daytime constant hot but for me am chilled, since room temperature on this region vicinity 16 o . my hobby is get my tramp like mengelilingin region myself since for me my region constitute nature heaven that am so beautiful appear deep one carpet every thing am herb tea as high as man belly, demulcent blustery blow add aesthetical taste on my region, hmmm is this my story also one of shod an why I come in at agricultural faculty baleful brawijaya university-malang hehehehehe.
Yeah if I only just said not yells to let its photograph sees ^^v.

hehehe with my eyangge brother ^^a


We shan'tice,
-          Farm, where shall we know farm history data that we will utilize beforehand. What is this farm has once been used for any kind or how this farm health.
-          Seed purpose and varietas is plant, plant who we will cultivate to good have and quality and free of pathogen.
-          Instilling, instilling is done on right time so not cause loss that adequately.
-          Dunging, dunging is done accords dose and fomentation where manure be not been given overdose, since manure aloning to constitute hot substance if too much will evoke singe plant.
-          Plant protection, it comprises momentous because system incorrect management will impacted on alone plants, where already plant be been attacked will wreck and causes production failing.
-          Watering, good watering is water application accord plant requirement.
-          Plant preserve, plant was done by preserve each while so what does we want to get are reached.
-          Crop, it the most preferred by farmer where result of up to gets implant be harvested.
-          Pasca harvests, penangan after harvests have to be noticed that plant doesn't wreck and rotting if at puts on long range.
-          Barn hygiene, it is of important in crops yielding repository. Hygiene also regards deep diseased and also pest on yielding crop where kelembapan and hygiene can evoke pest.
So lets we apply good agricultural system and gets result that satisfies ^^v


In botanical carry of its abroad has to put deep hall quarantines aught on port and also airport, since if we don't put deep hall quarantine will make huge negative impact to farmers if plant that we takes in it to contain disease or pest insect egg.
As well as available petai's type plant ingoing china at Indonesian without hall quiz quarantines its result impacted miserably where farmers coffee and other farmer to be attacked lice pest hops aphid sp.
Marginally goods whatever as plant, object or animal etc. we shall insert deep hall quarantine.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


when we planting to get industries we must cover all time, so we get better for good result. But for environtment can't predict so we must hard work for cover it.
hmmmm,, but if we get puso whoaa it'so horrible we not get anything we plant,,
like this

Monday, June 27, 2011


 organic's plant constitute without plant terkontaminasi by chemical material.
There is even as it because of organic's manure purpose per se dunging process, organic's manure also gets role in processes earth fertilization because no impact negative of organic's manure, add can increase unsure n, P, and K. in earth besides it also manures organic to fix microorganism population at deep soiled as worm and microbe.
Note:    really difficult back organic's agricultural, since chemical element that consists in lost difficult earth, effect inorganic manure application, maybe needs vicinity time 20 years for mensterilkan is back .

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why Conventional Agriculture Is Not Sustainable ?

ž  Soil Degradation
ž  Waste and Overuse of Water
ž  Pollution of the Environment
ž  Dependence on External Inputs
ž  Loss of Genetic Diversity
ž  Loss of Local Control over Agric.Production 


ž  Natural ecosystem is closed, or at least, unmanaged 


  Closed ecosystem—all elements recycled through 

   ecosystem—not often pure closed ecosystems 

    anymore—humans frequently involved.

ž  Agroecosystem is an open ecosystem, or managed 


  Producer moves plants, animals, environmental 

   factors (fertilizers, feed) in & out of ecosystem.

  Will not continue on its own without 


  If left alone, would progress toward closed 

   ecosystem, but probably not the same asoriginal 

   ecosystem before agriculture without human 

   input again.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Ø                  Healthy agricultural (sustainable agriculture):   
·         utilizing ecological principles
·         decrease uses manures brand and give organic fertiliser
·         organic pesticide purpose
·         plant disease pest operation cohesively

Monday, May 2, 2011


Modern agricultural (green revolution)  :

·         mechanical ala cultivation (machine) à rent
·         crosses yielding a bit of blood artificial
·         seed does ever buy, and needs tall nutrient element
·         purpose manures an organic (factory brand)
·         sawah's earth comes up short organic matter
·         soiled sacrilege, water and air
·         irrigation system watering
·         pest operation / disease routinely uses brand pesticide
·         hormone purpose grows
·         living thing is not target die
·         secondary pest explosion
·         pesticide pollution goes to earth and water

Sunday, May 1, 2011


AGRICULTURE for WORLD: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"


ž    Traditional agricultural  :
·         agricultural with system makes a abode
·         cultivation with manpower / animal, 
·         seed utilizes local type, 
·         dunging with organic fertiliser, 
·         tank system watering rain, 
·         diseased pest operation manually
·         perceive delicate paddy
·         usufruct good crop is chosen for seed
·         Paddy result contemns
·         Long time plant age(± 6 months)
·         Vulnerable local seed pest attack / disease